On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 07:52:45AM -0500, John Alberts wrote:
> I've been using vserver for on various servers for at least 4 years
> now. If you need to have Linux guests running on a Linux host, IMHO,
> there is no better solution. Using something like Xen or VMware in
> this situation is a waste of money and hardware resources.
that's the point of OS Level virtualization/isolation
> Vserver is the perfect solution for our environment where I am working
> at now. I have been here for a little over a year now and I am trying
> to convince them to use VServer instead of wasting time and money on
> VMware in our environment.
> My bosses love the idea of using VServer;
> however, they are unable to use anything that isn't part of the
> official Red Hat distribution.
tough luck then ... i.e. they have to use whatever
RedHat provides ...
> I've tried to convince them of the advantages of using CentOS;
> however, they are dead set on only using their officially supported
> OS, Red Hat.
> I would assume there are likely many other companies that are in a
> similar situation and unable to use CentOS so they can use VServer.
I do not understand the 'situation' you are seeing ...
incompetence? ignorance?
> Is there any chance of ever getting VServer support in the official
> Red Hat kernels? I know I should probably ask this in a Red Hat list,
> but I figured if there was any discussion about it, someone on this
> list would know.
sure, if somebody from RedHat decides to add Linux-VServer
kernels to their distribution, why not? it works, at least
to some degree, for other distributions ...
> Thanks
> --
> John Alberts
Received on Tue Jun 9 15:38:40 2009