Hello, all. We are having a problem with graceful shutdown of our
vservers. For example, one of our vservers is a Zimbra email system.
It is set to start and stop as part of vservers-default. Since email
systems can take quite a while to shut down, we created
a /etc/vservers/zimbra1/apps/vshelper/sync-timeout file and with
contents of:
However, if we shutdown the vserver host, e.g., halt -p, we notice the
default server shutdown is very fast - much too fast to be adequate for
Zimbra. As a result, when the server reboots, we have serious damage to
the email database.
Other than some kludge such as inserting a long sleep sequence in a
shutdown script, is there an elegant way of giving the vservers adequate
time to shut down when the host is shut down? Thanks - John
-- John A. Sullivan III Open Source Development Corporation +1 207-985-7880 jsullivan@opensourcedevel.com http://www.spiritualoutreach.com Making Christianity intelligible to secular societyReceived on Wed May 13 11:56:33 2009