On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 06:34:47PM -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> Ah, found it in the kernel configuration. Argh! I suppose that means a
> kernel replacement and reboot.
> So are Automatic Single IP Special Casing and Automatic Loopback
> Assignment somewhat incompatible?
nope, not at all, otherwise the kernel config
system would not allow that ...
> Special Casing mentions improved performance.
yes, instead of walking through a list containing
a single IP on every connection, the IP is directly
stored in the socket
> What kind of penalty does one take by disabling it?
depends on the use case, but you do not have many
options when you want to keep bindings to
anyway, the overhead is probably not measureable
> Thanks
> - John
> --
> John A. Sullivan III
> Open Source Development Corporation
> +1 207-985-7880
> jsullivan@opensourcedevel.com
> http://www.spiritualoutreach.com
> Making Christianity intelligible to secular society
Received on Fri May 1 23:51:25 2009