On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 08:05:27 -0500
"Michael S. Zick" <mszick@morethan.org> wrote:
> Just built a Ubuntu-Jaunty guest with the debootstrap method - -
> Does the "vserver - build ..." command refer to a list of "allowed"
> runtime init (/etc/rc3.d) script links and scrub whatever else
> it finds?
i can't speak to ubuntu, but for debian guests the
script /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions/debian/initpost contains:
pushd etc/init.d &>/dev/null
for i in *; do
case "$i" in
$_VSERVER "$NAME" exec update-rc.d -f "$i" remove
popd &>/dev/null
which removes all init scripts within /etc/init.d (and their corresponding
runlevel symlinks) from a base install except for the syslog daemon and a
few specific others.
/usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver-build.debootstrap calls $BUILD_INITPOST and
that is set to the distribution-specific initpost
by /usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver-build.functions (or so it appears from my
quick perusal of the code).
there doesn't appear to be an initpost script specific to any of the ubuntu
releases in my util-vserver package from lenny, but this might be different
for the ubuntu package. (i have a few ubuntu hardy desktops/laptops but i
use pbuilder, not vserver, to build packages for them.)
-- undefined@pobox.comReceived on Mon Apr 13 21:47:22 2009