[vserver] Vserver-util ideas of the week: 1

From: ADNET Ghislain <gadnet_at_aqueos.com>
Date: Fri 27 Mar 2009 - 10:07:50 GMT
Message-ID: <49CCA576.8060002@aqueos.com>


I just got an idea to facilitate life of guest users that changes limits
and capabilities of their guest.

I think a "reload" keyword for the vserver utility could be used like this:

vserver xxxx reload rlimits/dlimits/interfaces/sched/ALL

  that would take the vserver up to date with the settings in the
/etc/vservers/xxxx files. I saw that a bunch of the vxxx utility seems
to have this built in (vlimit --xid '$vservername' --missingok --dir
'$vserverconfroot/$vservername/rlimits' for exemple ) so making this
wrapper seems a little step to get the life easier for users and lower
the learning curve :)

 This is it for idea of the week n°1 !

Received on Fri Mar 27 10:08:04 2009
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