On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 02:45:25PM +0100, Gebhardt Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday 27 March 2008 10:28, Oliver Welter wrote:
> > Are there any known issues with patch-2.6.24-rc6-vs2.
> Some remarks on :
> 1. If you opt for "kernel legacy api", then you get a compile time error.
> 2. If you use util-vserver 0.30.212 and issue "reboot -f", the vserver does
> not reboot and you get an unkillable process. (see thread "reboot -f hangs")
> Newer versions util-vserver seem to work, though.
> 3. Comments from "Daniel Hokka Zakrisson" <daniel@hozac.com>:
> It doesn't support the CPU scheduling, fakeinit is known to be broken,
> there's a lot of essentially untested code, some new features don't work
> at all yet... It needs work, and time is a scarce resource.
after the rather dramatic changes in 2.6.23-25, we
will need a somewhat longer devel phase around
2.6.25 to get some things sorted out ...
testing and other contributions are welcome, but
don't expect a 'stable' release for post 2.6.22.x
anytime soon ...
> Regards, Thomas
Received on Wed Apr 23 12:58:46 2008