Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> mess-mate wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i've installed a vserver on a server who's acted before as a webserver.
>> The purpose is to have a webserver running in that vserver.
>> So I've DNAT in the router machine everything coming from the net to the
>> vserver-guest IP.
>> Unfortunately, the guest do not receive anything from the net, the host
>> continue to receive it in place of the guest.
> Is the host still running a webserver? Have you made sure it's limited to
> the host's IP address(es)?
>> Or the host don't forward it ?
>> In this case have i to do it with shorewall and how ?
>> I mean ONLY the net-IP to port 80.
>> Thanks in advance for the help.
>> --
>> mess-mate
>> ------------
Yes the LISTEN address of apache2 and ssh on the host AND the guest are limited to only their ip, respectively and
I need also the server on the host for internal purposes. (LAN)
And the server on the guest as webserver to external. (internet)
There is a modem (ppp0) connected to the router who's connected to a
switch for the lan machines and connected to a server-machine in the DMZ.
I've the vserver on this server-machine.
If i DNAT my dynamic IP to the vserver-host or the vserver-guest,; only
the vserver-host connect my webpages.
Received on Sun Apr 20 20:41:31 2008