Re: [vserver] Kernel bug

From: Natanael Copa <>
Date: Wed 13 Feb 2008 - 07:31:35 GMT
Message-Id: <>

On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 14:49 +0100, Łukasz Czarniecki wrote:
> Natanael Copa wrote:
> > BTW... the exploit thats out for this bug didnt work on the
> > vserver-grsecurity kernel. A day like this I'm happy I'm using it.
> Hi
> I'm using kernel.
> And the exploit works in both vserver and host.

interesting. Here it generates a "PAX: suspicious general protection
fault: 0000 [#1]" and the program segfaults.

> It doesn't let to escape from vserver but it could be possible
> according to
> "In the vserver-enabled kernels, a missing access check on certain
> symlinks in /proc enabled local attackers to access resources in other
> vservers"
> Did you just set TPE or some other options?


> Which grsecurity option protects against this exploit?

as mentioned UDEREF prevents it for good, but KERNEXEC alone should
prevent the code execution that this exploits relies on.

> Can you share your config?

svn cat svn://

The patches I use are adapted to gentoo. found here:

> Lukasz Czarniecki

Received on Wed Feb 13 07:31:54 2008

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