A somewhat abstract question today ...
The usual protocol for a kernel booting with an initial ramFS (early userspace);
is for the setup and whatever initialization be done in the ramFS image;
then switch_root (which removes the initial ramFS contents) to the "run time"
storage media (yea, everyone here knows that) ...
But the size of a truly minimal VServer host image (logging, sshd, ntpd, network tables)
is not very big (target system is a mini-laptop (EeePC) with at least 0.5Gb ram) - -
Why "switch_root" for the host?
Why not just bring up the first (most likely only) user context as a vserver on the
run-time media - let the host context continue to run in ramFS?
Technically, it looks like it should work - -
Anybody tried this sort of setup? Any practical problems encountered?
Of course, this setup would hold a few Mbytes of disk buffers out of the pool,
but the machine has a lot of ram, I don't think they would be missed.
Received on Thu Jan 3 14:31:05 2008