* John Francis Lee <jfl@robinlea.com> [10.12.2007]:
> On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 13:46 +0100, Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> > but I still think, if there is enough interest, we can
> > make such a setup reasonably secure, by defining certain
> > port ranges and/or pci structures as 'belonging' to that
> > guest (like the graphics hardware) and thus we might get
> > away without opening up the guest
> I think it would be useful for schools or internet cafes or such to be
> able to run VNC terminal clients against centralized vservers, if there
> could be more than one on a single real host. It sounds like one might
> be the limit though, is it?
What you want for schools etc. is something like www.ltps.org (which
btw. works perfectly fine in a linux-vserver environment). As xorg is
started on the thinclient there, the mentioned problem does not occur
Received on Mon Dec 10 13:26:23 2007