Re: [vserver] support for alpine linux guests

From: Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <>
Date: Wed 29 Aug 2007 - 16:45:13 BST
Message-ID: <>

Natanael Copa wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 22:06 +0200, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
>> Natanael Copa wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Alpine Linux is a distribution for secure light weight
>>> servers/firewalls, based on uclibc/busybox, built using Gentoo
>>> framework.
>>> Attatched is initpre and initpost scripts to allow easy installation of
>>> Alpine Linux guests. It is done in seconds. Create directory
>>> distributions/alpine and save the attatched files there.
>> Why is sysv the only supported initstyle? Why wouldn't plain work?
> I have almost all issues fixed. The last thing left is plain initstyle
> shutdown. Exactly what happens when initstyle is plain and user executes
> "vserver <guest> stop" ?
> Is there a signal sent to the init process? busybox init is a bit
> different and nothing happens atm. it looks like cmd.stop is not
> executed either.

It's sent a SIGINT, which is the signal to restart the box. And no,
cmd.stop is not executed for the plain initstyle.

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson
Received on Wed Aug 29 16:45:31 2007
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