Re: [Vserver] [Release] Stable 2.2.0 : where is the changelog?

From: Guillaume Pratte <>
Date: Wed 04 Apr 2007 - 14:09:24 BST
Message-id: <>

Thanks for the change log Daniel.

Something is solliciting my curiosity though:

  - privacy for guests, which will hide things from xid 1

I am not sure I am found of that "privacy" thing. Isn't xid 1 the
monitoring context? Isn't supposed to be able to see everything in the
system? For instance, if I remember correctly, vserver-stat uses xid 1
to mesure the memory usage of each vserver...

Maybe it's an irrational fear, but it seems to me like an invitation to
root kits... With this privacy option, how will we be able to precisely
account the memory usage of each vserver?

Guillaume Pratte

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson a écrit :
> The major changes are:
> - COW link breaking
> - 2.6.19+ support (i.e. using the mainline namespaces)
> - capability masking, allowing things like bind9 to run unmodified in
> guests
> - artificially advancing idle time, allowing fair sharing of CPU
> resources among guests
> - accounting APIs, making it easier to write monitoring programs
> And a few of the rather minor/less useful changes:
> - allows raising the bcapabilities of a guest while it's running
> - virtualized time
> - the ability to create private guests, that cannot be easily
> administered from the host
> - warnings without CONFIG_VSERVER_DEBUG (so Debian users will see them
> too...)
> - legacy disabled by default (so util-vserver 0.30.213+ recommended)
> - privacy for guests, which will hide things from xid 1
> - a scheduling monitor

Guillaume Pratte
Recherche et développement
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