On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 12:43:40PM +0000, Cryptronic wrote:
> HI all,
> sry for double posting.
> In have a strange problem with apache2 : Each sunday morning between 5
> a.m. and 7 a.m. some apache's in different vservers shutdown and do not
> come back.
> [Sun Mar 18 06:26:43 2007] [warn] child process 30762 still did not
> exit, sending a SIGTERM
I have the same on multiple Debian Sarge machines, running apache1.3 and
apache2.0, not running any vserver patches. I'd say vserver unrelated.
I bet each sunday morning between 5 and 7 your logrotation kicks in, and
apache doesn't reload cleanly -- Debian unsolved bug for years; quickfix is
a killall -9 apache2 then apache2ctl start in the logrotation script.
A bug was filed on apache on the BTS (not by me) but I can't find it back.
Vserver mailing list
Received on Sun Mar 18 13:30:54 2007