Hello ,
First of all : Thanks to the vserver team for the work they do/did !!
Then .. I have a vserver running on a grsec host. Allmost everything is
working fine except that on some circumstances (seems to be when more
processes are running) command get droped . For example mysqldump won't
work(once in a while), or even a simple "ps" will retrun immidiately and
worse: apt-get has to be exec in a chroot(inside the vserver - through
ssh - the process exit immediately).
How could I change this behaviour, I enabled the vserver hard cpu limit,
could it be linked ? Since I can have an heavy load on the vserver it
sounds strange.
I an other hand apache is very stable....
I didn't set any ulimit options and I should have ~300 on the host + one
vserver ~50 + one vserver ~200 so it is not that much ...
I used the patch-
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Received on Sun Dec 17 14:19:49 2006