Dear all, I have a vserver on a Debian Etch box with the corresponding
packages versions to this distribution, which has the
/etc/vservers/virtual1/apps/init/mark file with the 'default' value in
order to start automatically on booting. In the past it starts
automatically OK, but today it doesn't (yesterday there was a power
shutdown and the Debian box was down).
I get this messages on the boot process:
starting vservers of type
'default'..../usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.functions: line 696: popd:
/tmp/vserver-init.us3839: no such file or directory
Failed to start vserver 'virtual1'
make ** [.proxy.stamp] Error 1
make target 'all' not remake because of errors
Can you help me to correct this problem ???
While I wait for a response, I start automatically my vserver from the
/etc/rc.local script from Debian, when I put '/usr/sbin/vserver virtual1
start'...but I don't want this solution.
Thanks a lot,
Vserver mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 13 16:48:03 2006