Am Montag, 20. November 2006 23:18 schrieb Daniel Hokka Zakrisson:
> Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> > also you could try to disable vlogin for that guest
> > (daniel please comment on version/config option)
> Unfortunately this feature is only present in trunk, so for now you'll
> have to edit /usr/sbin/vserver and remove --vlogin from
> OPTS_VCONTEXT_ENTER in line 230. Even in trunk, vlogin is only
> disablable on a global level, because I wasn't aware there were guests
> where it didn't work :-)
I juste removed it - tata :
root@gobi:/usr/local/sbin# vserver dakar enter
dakar:/ #
> Would it be possible to get access to a SuSE 9.0 guest?
It's not possible for the guest we were talking about because the development
machine is not accessible from the outside. But I'll try to copy over the
basic bits and pieces to my personal server. I'm not sure if I have time to
do it tomorrow, but I'll do my best.
Vserver mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 20 23:18:15 2006