what about this (need to verify, going to this evening)
ifconfig dummy0 up
and then give two IPs to each guest, i.e. (vserver/interfaces)
eth0 x.x.x.x - external IP
dummy0 - internal IP
guest's /etc/hosts
x.x.x.x guest01 localhost
unfortunatelly, most likely it is not a solution for Albert's problem.
is there anything that needs to be done to firewall? it seems to me
the dummy iface is some kind of internal device similar to lo. Would
be good to hear mainteiners opinion about this approach.
On 6/7/06, GarconDuMonde <gdm@fifthhorseman.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> hi,
> Alexander Kabanov wrote:
> > I have 5 guests on the server, each guest has own localhost IP, like
> >, etc. (guests /etc/hosts has record like
> > " localhost") it seemed the only option available. can
> > someone tell me is it good approach?
> no.
> i experimented with this approach last year. after a while, i ran into
> difficulties (can't remember what exactly right now) and after digging came
> across the rfc about this [0]:
> - This block is assigned for use as the Internet host
> loopback address. A datagram sent by a higher level protocol to an
> address anywhere within this block should loop back inside the host.
> This is ordinarily implemented using only for loopback,
> but no addresses within this block should ever appear on any network
> anywhere [RFC1700, page 5].
> so then, i tried looking at some alternatives.
> > is there anything else beside
> > this?
> i guess it depends on how you actually have your host, network and firewall set
> up. i'm only still learning the intricacies of firewalls, but my experience is
> that it's best to just learn the basics (i.e. iptables) rather than any
> "management" tool such as shorewall. then, there's stuff like NAT and SNAT and
> DNAT that i don't really understand yet, but you can use a 'private' network
> like 10.0.x.x if you like, or 192.168.x.x instead. this way, you can then bind
> to that address internally, but not from externally.
> of course, you can also ensure that you deny connections appropriately if your
> firewall is configured well.
> > The reason why I want to have a local IP inside a guest - to be
> > able to bind services to a local interface that are not accessible
> > from outside, for example:
> >
> > one can access IMAP (over ssl) using guest real IP
> > webmail app can access IMAP service bound to local IP
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > --Alex
> >
> [0] http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3330.txt
> - --
> love and solidarity,
> --gdm
> http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Main/GarconDuMonde
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