Herbert Poetzl wrote:
>On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 04:26:10PM +0200, Oliver Welter wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>there was a disussion some time ago here on multiple IPs assigned to one
>>vServer. I now have the need to assign a 32 Address net to one guest -
>>anybody here did some tests on this or can give me a go/nogo for this ?
>well, it should not be _that_ bad, but it will be
>roughly 16 times slower than with a two IPs
the average speed decrease expected is approximately 16 times the speed
decrease seen with two IPs vs. one IP.
Which is still probably very little - has anyone been able / inclined to
measure it, yet?
>btw, this is a limitation which will fall in the
>_very_ near future ...
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Received on Thu Jun 1 05:09:23 2006