> >
> > Although dhcp packets use UDP, they're very weird UDP packets because the
> > client doesn't necessarily have an IP address at the time it needs to
> > receive them. Thus, dhcpd uses a different socket layer than normal
> > UDP/TCP, which I gather from the above is not divided between contexts in
> > freevps.
> Aren't they just broadcast packets, sent to on port 67/udp?
> Anyway, this is OT here so I'll pursue it on the FreeVPS lists. Thanks,
> Andrew.
dhcpd don`t use udp sockets. dhcpd use raw socket and receive packets
via bpfX device. It`s one one reason who dhcpd don`t work with later
versions FreeVPS, but now i release patch to fix it and use L2 address
to inter context routing.
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