Corey Wright wrote:
>>I've been struggling to fully understand how vhashify works for a while
>>now. I want to know more about it. It would be nice if someone could
>>answer the following questions for me or point to some document which
>>can help me understand the vhashify and unify better:
>isn't there a vhashify.c? ;-)
I had a look at that but specifically for the answer of the first
questions, unfortunately I didn't quite grasp what was going on :)
The reason I asked the questions is that I have 2 identical vservers
(i.e. all the files are the same except those created by the skeleton
build method). However, when I hashify, one vserver ends up with a lot
more unified files than the other. So I'm trying to figure out why this
is happening...I have not customized the exclude list in either vserver.
>>1) What files and how does vhashify step through and compare for
>dunno. i've wondered that myself, and postulated some, but "the proof is
>in the pudding" so i haven't questioned it too much.
>i'm guessing here, but every file in /etc/vservers/<vserver>/vdir not
>explicitly excluded by some pattern in
>/etc/vservers/<vserver>/apps/vunify/exclude or
>/usr/lib/util-vserver/defaults/vunify-exclude is hashed, looked up in a
>hash table (ie files within /etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/hash/0
>named after value of hash of contents), file attributes are compared
>against the hardlink in the hash table, and if found equal, then the files
>are "unified".
>so how close did i get? :-D
>herbert, daniel, somebody correct me if i'm wrong.
>>2) What things are compared to determine if the files can be unified? In
>>other words, what properties of the file should be the same?
>all properties besides file name. at least that's my guess according to
>as unification just takes advantage of hardlinks (with the special
>property of being immutable but unlinkable).
>>3) What is the format of an exclude file?
>from, under "Directory/vserver
>It has rsync-like excludelists, so that you can e.g. exclude anything
>under /etc/ except /etc/termcap; the corresponding excludelist would be
> +/etc/termcap
> /etc
>further see, specifically the
>take all the above with a grain of salt as i'm just making educated
>guesses. hopefully somebody will at least confirm whether i'm right or
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
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Received on Wed May 24 21:59:36 2006