Sorry if you think this is off-topic.
Le 23 avr. 06, à 12:44, Oliver Welter a écrit :
> hi Dominique
>> I'm dealing with failover intensively too. In any case of failover
>> (automated or manual) I have to check that configuration is exactly
>> replicated and up-to-date on all nodes (usually four or five nodes),
>> else I disable failover. So I used to check versionning information
>> hard-coded in comments of all configuration files that matter, in
>> particular vserver config. I'm quite puzzled to do so with the new
>> style config.
> So, I drive another way, I have a "master" config on a configuration
> server that is replicated to the nodes, using rsync it is very easy to
> have one generic and one node.specific tree and sync them over...
Not enough for me. I cannot expect all nodes are up and running
simultaneously to sync. Therefore there are several conditions for a
node to accept take-over, one of them is "up-to-date-ness" of vserver
> but I guess this is all a matter of personal preferences...
I guess it's more a matter of business requirements.
Thank you.
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Received on Sun Apr 23 16:45:47 2006