On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 05:27:03PM -0600, John Alberts wrote:
> Hi. I was trying to follow this tutorial:
> http://linux-vserver.org/Cacti+configuration on the vserver wiki.
> I'm running into a problem on the 4th step which says to type the
> following on the cacti machine:
> ssh -i vs-stat vs-stat@vs-host.dom.tld
> I am still prompted for a password when trying this. Here's what I get:
> emsshop .ssh # ssh -i vs-stat vs-stat@emsvs1
> vs-stat@emsvs1's password:
> Permission denied, please try again.
> vs-stat@emsvs1's password:
> Permission denied, please try again.
> vs-stat@emsvs1's password:
> Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
> I have another key that I use from this server to the host server and
> it works fine for me.
> Here's what shows up in /var/log/messages:
> Jan 26 17:23:52 emsvs1 sshd[8159]: Failed password for vs-stat from
> x.x.x.x port 55460 ssh2
> I'm not sure what to do next. Any help appreciated.
well, get or set the correct password ...
possible causes might include:
- no or wrong password on host
- password authentication not allowed for that user
- various sshd misconfigurations
output of 'sshd -Dd' and 'ssh -v -i vs-stat vs-stat@vs-host.dom.tld'
might sched some light on the issue (note: the sshd -Dd
has to run _instead_ of the current one, and it will
only do one logon)
> Thanks
> John
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Received on Fri Jan 27 10:47:25 2006