Hi Hollow, Hi Folks :)
Today, I tried to update a "very old" gentoo guest, that was build with
the old "baselayout with use-flag" from portage overlay.
What I did, was to unemerge the old baselayout and emerge the new
baselayout-vserver instead.
On the first glance it seemed to work, but having a closer look showed
boot-up messages appearing on the local consoles about crahsing boot
scripts (net.lo, hostname, serial, console)
After digging around I replaced the /dev filesystem with a copy from a
fresh vServer guest, and it seems that now the problems have gone...
At all, I am not really sure if the system really works fine, but it
Any ideas what to check or how to check further ? Espacially: Is there a
way to see the messages of the guest starting up, as it was on the old
"gentoo" init-style (I am using plain now)
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