Le Jeudi 19 Janvier 2006 04:12, Herbert Poetzl a écrit :
> > Ok, I couldn't help... I added a few idea here :
> > http://nayco.free.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=un_logo_pour_linux-vserver
> the 'aqua' tux is great! where is it from?
> or is it your design?
Thanx !
Well, er... I found it on Google images ;-), it was a Slackware aqua tux.
Mmmm, wait...
The fact is, it would take me days to draw such an image. The logos you
see on my page took me 1-2 hours... It's not my job, so I'm slow.
-- ,, (°> Nicolas Costes /|\ IUT de La Roche / Yon ( ^ ) Clé publique: http://www.keyserver.net/ ^ ^ Musique libre: http://musique-legale.info/ - http://www.jamendo.com/?s=concept
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