On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:40:52PM +0100, J.Paechnatz wrote:
> hi there!
> I'm trying the following on an ubuntu host:
> debootstrap --verbose --arch i386 breezy /space/vservers/test1
> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
> or
> debootstrap --verbose --arch i386 sarge /space/vservers/test2
> http://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian
> I tried the ubuntu version of debootstrap (I think) and version
> 0.3.3 of debian.
> in both cases:
> debootstrap.log shows some /dev/null permission denied entries.
that happens on the host? or within a guest?
(from your email I assume it is really the host)
> breezy:
> W: Failure while configuring base packages. This will be attempted 5 times.
> at least "I:Base system installed successfully." but it does NOT work.
do you try this as user? or as root? you might
miss the required permissions to create device
nodes ...
> sarge:
> Errors were encountered while processing:
> var/cache/apt/archives/bash_2.05b-26_i386.deb
> var/cache/apt/archives/e2fsprogs_1.37-2sarge1_i386.deb
> and exits with
> W: Failure while unpacking required packages. This will be attempted up
> to five times.
> could somebody help me or give me some advise, please? the whole thing
> is thought as preparation for a vserver test, but if debootstrap is
> not working properly, it seems senseless for me to continue.
maybe you should try to create the guests with
the vserver tools (which also use debootstrap)?
> thanks!
> cu joh.
> --
> http://www.paechnatz.de/
> Jabber: jpaechnatz@jabber.ccc.de
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Received on Wed Jan 18 17:17:24 2006