please check (X) all points which apply ...
(according to your opinion)
[X] I had no idea about this issue/deficiency
[ ] I did already know about it
[ ] I'm already using BME (or similar) patches
[X] I will start using BME patches now
[ ] I do not need/use this 'feature' at all
[X] I think this SHOULD get into the next
stable Linux-VServer release because ...
[X] I am using it/want to use it
[X] It's more a bugfix than a feature
[X] I like the idea of ro --bind mounts
[ ] I think this should NOT be included into
the next stable release because ...
[ ] it is not thoroughly tested
[ ] it is not mature enough
[ ] it adds unnecessary code
[ ] it should better be fixed in
the mainline Linux Kernel
Vserver mailing list
Received on Sun Jan 8 01:26:43 2006