On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 09:21:36PM +0500, Mustafa Abbasi wrote:
> i have dowlaoded the cds of fedora core 4, but i can't figure out how
> ito nstall it into a vserver running on debian.i am new so please easy
> instrucion would be appreciated.
well, as Linux-VServer does not do system emulation
(i.e. you won't get a virtual CD drive and such), just
system (and resource) isolation, you basically have to
solve the problem:
"How do I install FC4 from a bunch of CDs into a directory?"
and the solutions could be:
- use rpm with the --root= option to get the packages
installed into a dir
- use UML or QEMU or some full system emulator to
install the CDs in a virtual machine and copy the
resulting installing into a directory
- adjust/adapt (or just trick) the CD installer into
isntalling FC4 on a separate dir/partition
- setup a repository (apt-rpm, yum) to install from
and use the util-vserver tools to install a guest
from scratch (which is the preferred way)
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Received on Thu Dec 22 17:27:37 2005