From: Oliver Welter (
Date: Thu 08 Sep 2005 - 13:40:25 BST
Hi List,
I have a stupid problem and cant track it down :(
I have a host system running, that owns IP in two networks (realized via
VLANs if it matters)
So I have:
eth0.1 -> (NetA)
eth0.2 -> (NetB)
The setup on the host ist running, means I can ping hosts in both
networks, the default route is set via the 10. and works, too. Both IPs
can be pinged from outside too.
Now the problem:
I have a guest that owns only an IP from NetA - I can ping everythig
except hosts in NetB. The problem seems to be, that there is a route for
NetB shown inside the server, but this route uses an invalid interface
(the other VLAN, it is indicatede with "*" in the routing table)
route -n: -> eth0.1 -> * ->
So any ideas how I can remove the invalid route from the vServer ? The
expected behaviour will be, that the guest sends the packets for NetB to
the router (a cisco maschine) using the default route as the destination
is not on the same network.
It might also be a solution to use the host system for routing between
the nets...
Is there any solution with teh real IPs or must I create loopback/dummy
networks and lots of NATs ?
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