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From: Oliver Dietz (o.dietz_at_arcor.de)
Date: Sat 18 Jun 2005 - 10:16:50 BST

Hi @all,

i want to use Suse 9.x inside a vserver. At
http://www.marlow.dk/site.php/tech/vserver is a Suse image available, but
without Yast - and a Yast is the main reason why to use Suse.

>From the page:

> A few notes on SuSE:
> - forget about YaST, it's a pain in the but to get running
> and most of the things it manages, aren't available in a
> Vserver, so it's not in there

can i get it running?

Sure, it won't be possible to change the IP and such things, but Yast has
other important features (especially the package-, user- and

Has anybody an hint for me how to develop a Suse-guest myself?
Any hint how long it takes to set up or develop such an image (is it a "one
day" or a "one week" job)?

Thanks a lot,

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