From: Paul S. Gumerman (
Date: Wed 27 Apr 2005 - 14:05:04 BST
You might try recompiling the tools without dietlib. That's what I had
to do to make things work in x86_64.
Until you do that, or use the patch that Herbert supplied, you will have
Michal Ludvig wrote:
>Herbert Poetzl wrote:
>> - the tools (util-vserver 0.30.206, + dietlibc 0.28+patches)
>> emit some stuff, do some things, whatever .. which 'disturbes
>> the X keyboard ... (unlikely, but possible)
>> * make sure that the tools are the latest and dietlibc is
>> (patched on x86_64)
>Where can I get the patch? I'm using plain dietlibc 0.28 on amd64
>> * check by starting the vserver from a different host
>> (logged on via ssh, and maybe telnet)
>Over ssh it works with no problems. However e.g. locally from screen it
>still dies.
>> - the init inside the vserver does something which manages
>> to confuse the X keyboard (would be an isolation issue)
>> * try to replace the init with an minit or a different init
>Replaced with debian woody statically linked init and still the same.
>> * replace the init by an strace wrapper to dump the syscalls
>> - there is an unwanted 'connection' between the X (on the host)
>> and the vserver which really should not be there
>> * check for device nodes in /dev and various other places
>> * verify that no 'magic' keys are copied from the host
>What do you mean with magic keys?
>> * look for pipes (fifos) which run between host and guest
>It is a fresh SL92 vserver, almost no extra config done. There should be
>no such fifos.
>However... I stripped down /etc/rc.d/rc to just running sshd and exit.
>Still the same. Subsequent vserver halting from the master looks like this:
>root:~ # vserver popelka stop
>vkill: vc_ctx_kill(): No such process
>Vserver '/usr/local/etc/vservers/popelka' still running unexpectedly;
>please investigate it manually...
>root:~ # vserver popelka stop
>vserver 'popelka' is not running
>Once I exit the dead X session (running e.g. on tty7) I still can't use
>the keyboard. I must ssh from a different host and with "chvt 1" switch
>the console. Only after that I could use the keyboard again. When going
>back to tty7 I can see some binary garbage after "INIT: no more
>processes left in this runlevel".
>Not too much of success...
>Michal Ludvig
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