From: Ehab Heikal (
Date: Thu 07 Apr 2005 - 19:48:52 BST
Did anyone try to run plesk 7.5 reloaded recently under vserver in a
production server? Tried it long ago but had some problems, i think it
wanted some kind of physical control over ips or network card and
something to do with loopback.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ehab Heikal
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 4:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Vserver] CentOs distribution
Fedora is experimental, you do not want the latest and coolest software
on your server, you need the most stable. This is what CENTOS and RHEL
give you older more stable software like good wine. The main difference
between an enterprise grade system and just plain old software is that
you get the bug fixes for the old software for a long time. Thus the
CENTOS is close to perfect, the main problem is that there are many
customizations to the RH kernel over the plain vannilla
kernel that vserver does not compile for RH kernels, how much of that
will affect you if you run a plain kernel on a RH disti, well that is
more or less unknown you always run the risk of getting an arcane error
that happens only to you.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paul S.
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vserver] CentOs distribution
My thoughts exactly! I'll be doing a test install today, then patching
a kernel for drbd + linux-vserver.
Daniel S. Reichenbach wrote:
This may be somewhat off-topic, but why is it that people like centos
which seems to me like REL without support. Since support is what REL is
all about, wouldn't it be better to go with FC3 (soon 4) rather than a
bunch of outdated software that comprises EL?
What am I missing?
Fedora Core is updating packages way to fast. While I believe it is
fine for personal use to always have the latest version of a package,
in business it seems more appropriate to have a working version and
only upgrade for security reasons or bug fixes - which is what also
differs RHEL from FC - and upgrade to newer versions only if it has
significant benefits to offer.
I have tried to use Fedora Core for business projects, but this is
not a Good Thing(tm). Since I am using FC since its first release, I
have noticed, they release packages breaking backward compatibility
or even the complete system at least every fourth month. While the
rate has lowered, it still is to high for professional use I'd say.
IMHO for business projects you need systems where you can say they
will run for two or three years without flaws. This is what RHEL
offers with support and CentOS without support.
With kind regards,
Daniel S. Reichenbach
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