From: Tony Mobily IMAP (
Date: Tue 22 Mar 2005 - 11:56:38 GMT
>> Woooos... sorry!
> in the age of vservers you have to be precise ;)
OK, sorry!
> let's call it 'isolation' (of course, separation leads
> to isolation, or was it the other way round ;)
OK, "isolation" then!
>> Here is my idea:
>> * We publish the article on Xen, taking out this part (which is a
>> little too nasty and objective):
> hmm, greetings from Freud?
(I missed this one...)
>> * I tell Eddy (who is writing the first article) to say, right at the
>> end:
> why not make some contact between 'Eddy' and myself
> and we'll talk a little about the different things,
> I have no problem with a Xen specific point of view
> and as I said, they are pretty orthogonal IMHO ...
OK. Please remember that Eddy doesn't have anything to do with Xen
though :-)
He simply offered to write the first article (which is the
It's absolutely fine to make contact with Eddy. Except, his email is
down right now (I am not sure what's going on...)
His email is Edward Macnaghten <>. The whole domain
doesn't seem to be working...
>> * You write an article dedicated to Linux-VServer, which represents in
>> a way "the other side of virtualization" - we can call it "separation"
>> not to confuse our readers. I will tell Eddy to use the word
>> "separation" as well.
>> So, the Focus will contain the following articles:
>> 1) Introduction by Eddy (covering the bit on QEMU, UML, Xen and
>> Linux-VServer )
>> 2) XEN (taking out the "nasty" part). This article will only cover
>> "virtualization"
>> 3) Linux-VServer. This article will only cover "separation". You can
>> say *whatever* you like (things like "Complete virtualization is a
>> waste of resources", and so on :-) ). You could also explain how the
>> separation is acheived technically.
>> Would you be happy with this?
> well, I'm not very happy about bashing other technologies,
> especially if they are free and not directly related,
> I would more prefer to paint a good picture of what is
> possible with each technology ...
OK. But please remember that your artricle would be focused on
Linux-VServer (see the outline above!)
>>> well, if you want to give some history/background, about
>>> the development, then please go ahead, that's nothing I
>>> could write objectively about .. btw, a good idea would be
>>> to pay a visit to our irc channel (#vserver @
>> OK, I will try :-)
> great!
(I somehow doubt I will manage in the next couple of days :-( )
> okay, so this is cc-ed to the ml then ;)
(I am feeling a little exposed now :-} )
Just because I like repeating myself...
The Focus will contain the following articles:
1) Introduction by Eddy (covering the bit on QEMU, UML, Xen and
Linux-VServer )
2) XEN (taking out the "nasty" part). This article will only cover
3) Linux-VServer. This article will only cover Linux-VServer and
"isolation". You could also explain how the separation is acheived
You should coordinate with Eddy about the article's contents.
Well... please keep your answers *very* pragmatic.
What I need now, is the name of a person who is able and willing to
hand in an article for us (you?). It would be better for me to have
*one* contact (talkng to groups can be difficult...).
Also, please remember that I'm not subscriberd to the vserver mailing
list - please cc: any answers to me.
Tony Mobily
Free Software Magazine
Vserver mailing list