From: Paul S. Gumerman (
Date: Wed 02 Mar 2005 - 20:22:47 GMT
Daniel -- thanks for the script. I'll give it a try.
OK, so now I can *see* it in one place, but I still can't manage it.
I know I must be missing some wonderful new capability this provides,
because I can't see any benefit from the complexity.
Or possibly there's some simple way to manage the configuration data
that I don't know about.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> Paul S. Gumerman wrote:
>> As a new user I'm hesitant to barge in like this, but I feel strongly
>> on this issue. I have to say that the new configuration, with it's
>> staggering number of subdirectories, is TERRIBLE to use. I don't
>> understand what drove the decision to go this way ... there is an
>> enormous value in being able to see all the configuration information
>> in ONE place, at ONE time, and a real cost to not being able to do so.
> find /etc/vservers/<vserver> ! -type d | { while read FILE; do echo
> $FILE:; test -L $FILE && readlink $FILE || cat $FILE; echo; done }
> ;-)
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