From: Brian Ipsen (
Date: Tue 01 Mar 2005 - 19:11:25 GMT
> > I've modified the Fedora Core minimum-rpm to fit RHEL3
> > (actually it's WhiteBox Linux, which is a RHEL clone)...
> > So far, ther are no complaints on dependencies etc...
> Brian, I am very interested in seeing what you have come up
> with as a minimum. And since I use Jacques' newvserver (
> vserver and vserver-admin -- add ons to Linuxconf )
> I could check if it has the same problems creating a new vserver.
I've attached my wbel3-minimum file here (copy/paste from a Windows based
pc, you might want to convert it first). It might be possible to reduce it
further - first of all I'd just like to get a server ip and running inside
the vserver environment - than I can play around with reducing the number of
needed RPM's afterwards ;-)
> > But I'm having trouble to create a new vserver - each time
> > I try, rpm locks up after 2-14 packages - and then nothing more
> > happens ??
> I can't remember how ( Enrico's ? ) utilities create a new
> vserver but I suggest you check that the rpms are good as
> well as the device they are being read from.
They are being read from /home/wbel3 - I've copied all RPM packages into
that dir... "rpm -k *.rpm" doesn't show any packages as damaged.
I'm using a modified install-xxxx script - which has been modified io read
the wbel3-minimum list, and grab the RPMs from the dir in the /home folder,
instead of using the CD-Rom drive....
I don't know if the linuxconf gui is better to handle this stuff..
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