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From: Kilian Krause (kk_at_verfaction.de)
Date: Wed 29 Dec 2004 - 23:47:23 GMT

Hi Enrico,

Am Dienstag, den 28.12.2004, 03:49 +0100 schrieb Enrico Scholz:
> >> [ ... util-vserver.spec ...]
> >> > Sounds like maybe it shouldn't be shipped in the release tarball
> >> > then..
> >>
> >> No, it must be shipped. Else 'rpmbuild -ta util-vserver...tar.bz2' would
> >> not work anymore.
> >
> > Hrmpf. Then can we just not delete it in make clean?
> I will think about this; but I still do not understand the problem
> there.

very easy to tell. You're talking about "what configure builds, make
clean purges" yet you're rolling the release tarball with a *.spec
already. Thus it's not configure building it, but autogen.sh at dist
stage. So the make clean shouldn't purge it, but going back into
mrproper mode should. Maybe someone can tell me if "distclean" is
supposed to clean this and doing a "make clean" would be the appropriate
"fix" here? (Not technically, but stylistic in general terms of
automake/autoconf etc.)

I know for now i use "distclean" to revert all built objects and
tempfiles into the release state and if "clean" is sufficient, then that
might be the answer to that question.

Best regards,

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