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From: Herbert Poetzl (herbert_at_13thfloor.at)
Date: Mon 01 Nov 2004 - 09:09:50 GMT

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 11:35:12AM +1300, Sam Vilain wrote:
> Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> >Here goes the fourth Linux 2.6 development version
> >of Linux-VServer aka vs1.9.3 'Samhain'
> Well done Herbert! I find it outstanding how a complete port to 2.6 has
> happened with so much attention to detail in what seems like just a few
> months.
> It was January 4th 2004 that the first experimental Linux 2.6 vserver
> port was released, against linux 2.6.0. The first stable release,
> vs1.9.0, was dated May 11th.
> Herbert's incredible level of compassion towards administrators and
> integrators with difficulties asking for help in the #vserver channel
> has been the catalyst for getting the community thriving to test and
> assist his no less than legendary coding performance.

thanks for the flowers, Sam, I really appreciate it!

but it would not have been possible without the help
from others, like you, in short, the community ...

> Enrico's correspending reforming and redevelopment of the userland
> utilities was no mean feat. From its complete tracking of the myriad of
> vserver API changes through the 1.3.x transitional period to the current
> day, I am constantly surprised by the comprehensiveness of these tools.

I want to thank Enrico for doing a great job. sometimes
it might seem that his work is not so important than
mine, but I have to disagree. without his help I would
have spent at least half the time on userspace coding
instead of being able to focus on the kernel part ...

and of course, thanks to all those folks supporting us
by providing resources or feedback, ideas or feature
requests, or whatever to make this possible ...

> The result, a stable, managable release, well in time for the
> community-wide consensus that Linux 2.6 itself can possibly be
> considered resembling something that might just happen to look like its
> stable. If you're lucky. I look forward to that time.
> Apologies for not mentioning anyone else who deserves an honourable
> mention, interested readers should definitely get a feeling for the size
> of the community by browsing:
> http://www.linux-vserver.org/Hall+of+Fame

yes, individuals come and go, but the idea and project
is in constant flux, always trying to push the limits
a little further ...

it's a pleasure to be part of it,

"Nenne dich nicht arm, weil deine Träume nicht in Erfüllung
 gegangen sind; wirklich arm ist nur, der nie geträumt hat."

                 --- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916)

(Don't call yourself poor because your dreams haven't become
 true. Really poor are only those, who have never dreamt
 at all.)

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