From: Sam Vilain (
Date: Sun 17 Oct 2004 - 08:54:57 BST
Could you please add this (and the equivalent to ext3_fs.h,
reiserfs_fs.h, etc) to the head branch? I'd like to keep using
my ioctl() based scripts, until vunify works as well as unify-dirs,
and there is a vserver-build.immucp
--- ext2_fs.h.orig 2004-10-17 20:29:10.000000000 +1300
+++ ext2_fs.h 2004-10-17 20:26:47.000000000 +1300
@@ -196,8 +196,13 @@
#define EXT2_IUNLINK_FL 0x08000000 /* Immutable
unlink */
#define EXT2_RESERVED_FL 0x80000000 /* reserved for ext2
lib */
+#define EXT2_FL_USER_VISIBLE 0x0C03DFFF /* User visible flags */
+#define EXT2_FL_USER_MODIFIABLE 0x0C0380FF /* User
modifiable flags */
#define EXT2_FL_USER_VISIBLE 0x0003DFFF /* User visible flags */
#define EXT2_FL_USER_MODIFIABLE 0x000380FF /* User
modifiable flags */
* ioctl commands
I've attached the immucp script that I find smashing
for building new vservers in seconds. Shortly (once I get
the vs1.9.3-rcX server I'm building up "the way I like it" ;-)),
it will be online.
-- Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |><>T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13 (include my PGP key ID in personal replies to avoid spam filtering)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Carp qw(verbose);
use vars qw(@POD_HOOKS $be_random $do_suid);
no strict 'refs';
=head1 NAME
immucp - Duplicate structures, with immutability/immulink support
push @POD_HOOKS, NAME => sub {
my @m;
( @m = m/(\S+) - (.*)/ ) &&
do { *{PROGNAME} = sub { $m[0] };
*{SHORT_DESC} = sub { $m[1] }; }
immucp [options] dir1 dir2
push @POD_HOOKS, SYNOPSIS => sub {
my $a = $_;
*{SYNOPSIS} = sub { $a }
immucp will copy the first location to the second location, but will
only ever make links, rather than copy.
It is very similar to using `cp -al', but has support for setting
Linux inode attributes along the way.
my $a = $_;
*{DESCRIPTION} = sub { $a }
The following command line options are available:
# Extract the command line options for the "usage" screen from the
# POD ;-)
use vars qw(@options);
# This hook is deleted below under RELEASE
(#-debug => 1,
'*item' => sub {
my ($switches, $description) =
my (@switches, $longest);
$longest = "";
for my $switch
($switches =~ m/\G
/gx) {
push @switches, $switch;
if ( length $switch > length $longest) {
$longest = $switch;
$longest =~ s/^-*//;
push @options,
$longest, {
options => \@switches,
description => $description,
=over 4
=item -h, --help
Display program usage
=item -v, --verbose
Verbose program execution
=item -d, --debug
Even more verbose program execution
=item -V, --version
Print the program version
=item -i, --immutable
Sets the "immutable" inode attribute.
=item -l, --linkage
Sets the "immutable linkage invert" inode attribute.
=item -S, --suid
Link files that have set user/group ID bits set
=item -r, --random
Turns on randomising of directory scanning and tree traversal. This
option tries to prevent against racing symlink attacks. A better
solution is planned.
Hard linking identical files between directories has a drawback: if
one is changed, then the other one changes too.
To counter this, you can set the "immutable" inode attribute on
combined files (see L<chattr>).
Setting inode attribute requires root privileges, C<CAP_SYS_ATTR>, and
a filesystem that supports it. Currently this includes default ext2
and ext3 in any recent kernel, or reiserfs with the "inode attributes"
patch applied (available from
The problem with setting "immutable" is that then the file can not be
unlinked or renamed. In the case where you have a user without
CAP_SYS_ATTR, but otherwise with write permission to a file, they
cannot then change it.
In comes the "immutable linkage invert" flag. This flag will toggle
immutability of the file E<name>, but leave the file E<contents>,
E<permissions>, etc protected. This means that you can unlink the
file, and hence replace it, edit it with most editors, etc.
This option requires a kernel patch - it is included in the s_context
patch for the vserver project, which is at
L<>). It is also
available on its own from L<>.
This works well with ext2 and ext3, but is a little trickier to get
working with reiserfs, as inode attributes are not a standard reiserfs
feature. See the above link for more information.
=head1 RELEASE
This is immulink version 0.2.
push @POD_HOOKS, RELEASE => sub {
my $v;
(($v) = m/(\d+\.\d+)/) && (*{VERSION} = sub {$v});
no strict 'subs';
sub abort {
print STDERR &PROGNAME.": aborting: @_\n", short_usage();
sub barf { print STDERR &PROGNAME.": @_\n"; exit(1) }
sub moan { print STDERR &PROGNAME.": WARNING: @_\n"; }
sub say { print &PROGNAME.": @_\n"; }
sub mutter { }
sub whisper { }
use strict 'subs';
my ($action, @dirs, $immutable, $linkage, $mode);
use Getopt::Long;
no strict "refs", 'vars';
local ($^W) = 0;
$action = "unify";
$mode = "";
'help|h' => sub { $action = "show_help" },
'version|V' => sub { $action = "show_version" },
'verbose|v' => sub { *{"mutter"} = \&say },
'debug|d' => sub { *{"whisper"} = *{"mutter"} = \&say },
'immutable|i' => \$immutable,
'linkage|l' => \$linkage,
'random|r' => sub { $be_random = 1 },
'suid|S' => sub { $do_suid = 1 },
$mode .= "i" if $immutable;
$mode .= "I" if $linkage;
if ( ! -t STDOUT ) {
if ( -t STDERR ) {
eval "sub say { print STDERR \"\@_\n\" }";
} else {
eval "sub say { }";
if ($action eq "show_help") {
print usage();
} elsif ($action eq "show_version") {
print version(), "\n";
my $source = shift @ARGV
or abort "no source directory given";
my $dest = shift @ARGV
or abort "no destination directory given";
@ARGV && abort "extra unparsed arguments: @ARGV";
copy_tree($source, $dest);
say "done";
Documented for prosperity
=head2 chattr ($filename, $attr_string)
Calls the C<EXT2_IOC_SETFLAGS> IOCTL on $filename, setting flags as
per $attr_string.
=item Permitted chattr attributes
The following table lists the allowed contents of $attr_string, and
the corresponding bitmask to the IOCTL.
i => 0x00000010 ("immutable")
I => 0x00008000 ("immutable linkage invert")
BEGIN { use vars qw(%attr);
push @POD_HOOKS,
"Permitted chattr attributes" => sub {
%attr = map {
if ( m/(\w) => (0x\w+)/) {
$1 => pack("L", hex($2));
} else { () }
} split /\r?\n/, $_;
}; }
use vars qw($using_system);
sub chattr {
my( $file, $attr_str ) = @_;
whisper ("chattr($file, $attr_str)");
my $EXT2_IOC_SETFLAGS = 0x40046602;
my $flags = pack("L", 0);
my $x = $attr_str;
while( my $flag = chop($attr_str) ){
$flags |= $attr{$flag};
open( F, $file ) or die "Can't open $file : $!";
ioctl( F, $EXT2_IOC_SETFLAGS, $flags ) or do {
moan "can't set attr(".sprintf("%x",unpack("I",$flags)).") on $file: $!; using system('setattr')" unless $using_system++;
system("/usr/lib/util-vserver/setattr", ($attr_str =~ /i/ ? "--immutable" : ()), ($attr_str =~ /I/ ? "--immulink" : () ), $file) == 0
or die "setattr failed (rc=$?)";
close F;
=head2 copy_tree($source, $dest)
use File::Find;
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
sub copy_tree {
my $source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
barf "$source is not readable"
unless ( -d $source and -r _ );
( -d $dest ) or do {
mkdir $dest or barf "failed to make $dest; $!";
if (my $pid = open IPC, "-|") {
$dest = getcwd;
chop($source = <IPC>);
defined($source) or barf "child process failed";
my @utimes;
# parent, this one does the linking
while (<IPC>) {
my (@stat) = split ":", $_;
my $fn;
chop($fn = <IPC>);
if (!defined($stat[2])) {
moan "file `$fn' in source failed stat? (@stat)";
if (S_ISDIR($stat[2])) {
if ( ! -d "$dest/$fn" ) {
mutter "making dir $dest/$fn";
mkdir("$dest/$fn" )
or barf "failed to make $dest/$fn; $!";
chown(@stat[4,5], "$dest/$fn")
or barf "failed to change ownership on $dest/$fn; $!";
chmod(S_IMODE($stat[2]), "$dest/$fn")
or barf "failed to change mode on $dest/$fn; $!";
# directory times must be set later
push @utimes, @stat[8,9], $fn;
chdir("$dest/$fn") or barf "failed to chdir '$dest/$fn'; $!";
} elsif (S_ISREG($stat[2])) {
my $src = "$source/$fn";
$fn =~ s{.*/}{};
if ( ! -e "$fn" ) {
mutter "making $fn";
chattr($src, $mode) if ( $mode and $mode eq "iI" );
chattr($src, "") if ( $mode and $mode =~ /^[iI]$/ );
link $src, "$fn" or do {
die "link ($src,${dest}unify$$) failed; $!";
# don't change times unnecessarily
utime(@stat[8,9], $fn);
chattr($src, $mode) if ( $mode and $mode =~ /^[iI]$/ );
} elsif (S_ISLNK($stat[2])) {
my $target = pop @stat;
$fn =~ s{.*/}{};
( -l $fn ) && next;
mutter "$fn -> $target";
symlink($target, $fn)
or barf "symlink($target, $fn) failed; $!";
} else {
mutter "ignoring non-regular file $fn";
} elsif (!defined $pid) {
barf "fork() failed; $!";
} else {
or barf "failed to chdir to $source; $!";
$\ = "\0";
$, = ":";
print getcwd;
# child, this one does the finding
my $name;
find(sub {
if ( -l ) {
print lstat _, readlink;
} else {
print stat _;
($name = $File::Find::name) =~ s{^\.}{};
print $name;
sub no_dups {
return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }}
eval "use Pod::Constants -trim => 1, \@POD_HOOKS";
die $@ if $@;
# Usage functions
sub short_usage {
return ("Usage: ${\(SYNOPSIS)}\n"
."Try `${\(PROGNAME)} --help' for a summary of options."
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap fill);
use Term::ReadKey;
=head2 usage
Prints the program usage (extracted from the POD).
sub usage {
# alright, I'm admit this function is silly.
my $options_string;
my $OPTIONS_GAP = 2;
my $TOTAL_WIDTH = (GetTerminalSize())[0] - 10 || 70;
# go through each option, and format it for the screen
for ( my $i = 0; $i < (@options>>1); $i ++ ) {
my $option = $options[$i*2 + 1];
$Text::Wrap::huge = "overflow";
$Text::Wrap::columns = $OPTIONS_WIDTH;
my @lhs = map { split /\n/ }
wrap("","",join ", ",
sort { length $a <=> length $b }
$Text::Wrap::huge = "wrap";
$Text::Wrap::columns = $DESCRIPTION_WIDTH;
my @rhs = map { split /\n/ }
while ( @lhs or @rhs ) {
my $left = shift @lhs;
my $right = shift @rhs;
$options_string .= join
$left . (" " x ($OPTIONS_WIDTH - length $left)),
$Text::Wrap::huge = "overflow";
$Text::Wrap::columns = $TOTAL_WIDTH;
return (fill("","",PROGNAME . " - " . SHORT_DESC)
."Usage: ".SYNOPSIS."\n\n"
.fill(" ","",DESCRIPTION)."\n\n"
.fill(" ","","Command line options:")
."See `perldoc $0' for more information.\n");
=head1 BUGS/TODO
Some suggestions for use as a security tool:
I came up with these extra options for unify-dirs:
-s --save <filename>
save list of files in /etc/vserver/unified.vservername if no <filename>
is given.
-c --compare compare <filename>
compare current link status with saved list (see -s :-)
-t --test
don't actually do any linking. just print out list of files that could
be unified. together with -s option one could merely create an initial
list, without doing anything else..
=head1 AUTHOR
Sam Vilain, <>
Vserver mailing list