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From: Pierre.HURET_at_euro-securities-partners.com
Date: Thu 14 Oct 2004 - 14:26:07 BST


A special thank to Bjoern and Christian for your response.

Effectively, a simple "modprobe capability" and all work fine after a
"vserver vm1 stop".

But I've got a question that must be clear for me and my future vserver

Is it normal that from a verser, whitch IP address is an alias (
eth0:vm1 ) and eth0 is used by host server, I can see eth0 and the IP
address associated, with a simple "ifconfig -a" ?
If I Update my verser.conf by a "S_CAPS="CAP_NET_ADMIN", from a vserver,
I can now stop all the machine by a "ifconfig eth0 down".

I play with such things because I try to realise a balanced Vserver and
I have to create or delete some alias around eth0, but inside a vserver.

My old tests with a kernel 2.4.26 work perfectly well, but I noticed
that, from a vserver, I can see eth0, but NOT its IP address. So it
seems to be less dangerous !

Does all of this goes in a right way ? What I saw and what I think are
inline with the vserver project concept ?

A last question: Is it possible to use ipvs inside a vserver ?
Thanks again for all your help.


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