From: Herbert Poetzl (
Date: Fri 19 Dec 2003 - 19:51:13 GMT
On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 05:36:58PM +0100, Bert De Vuyst wrote:
> > > my test setup:
> > > server machine1 with a virtual server machine2 running on op of it.
> > > Both running debian 3.0
> >
> > okay, lets use a simpler terminology
> >
> > you have a 'host' which runs debian 3.0 and contains
> > several 'vservers' or 'vps', again with debian 3.0
> yes
> > the host has running an sshd, smtpd (daemons, servers)?
> sshd and ftpd run as daemons
> smtp (exim) is started form inetd
> I did install apache and samba form some test (running as daemon).
> After running some tests, I found out I had to start the daemons first on the
> host server and afterwards on the vservers. This runs fine.
> If a daemon is running in the vserver, it can't be started on the host server.
> (at least for apache and samba)
> > the vserver has activated an sshd, smtpd?
> sshd, ftpd, samba and apache as daemon
> and smtpd form inetd.
> > > Running vserver 1.0, it could access ssh, smtp and ftp on
> > > machine2 (the virtual server) without changing the configuration
> > > of the startup scripts on machine1 (the host server).
> >
> > you are _not_ using the sysvwrappers for the host?
> No. Debian uses it own style of startup scripts for daemons,
> the sysvwrapper scripts from the vserver utils package don't work.
IIRC debian uses sysvinit - System-V like init, so
why do you think they won't work?
> > you where able to start sshd on both, the host and
> > the vservers, without any issues on vs1.00?
> Yes. I am checking it out on vs 1.20 while I write this mail
> (I will check it out on vs1.00 later)
> > you where able to connect to the host sshd from
> > inside a vserver, without problems on vs1.00?
> On vs1.20 it's running fine now, it dit work on vs1.00 as well
> > you where able to connect to the vserver sshd
> > from the host, without troubles on vs1.00
> yes (I'm testing it now on vs-1.20)
> > you where able to ssh to the host with vs1.00?
> yes
> > you where able to ssh to the vserver with vs1.00?
> yes
> > what of the above isn't working with vs1.22?
> all :-) Running vs1.22 I have to bind ssh, smtp and ftp on
> the host server to the IP of the host server.
if you want to run a service, like sshd on both,
the host _and_ the vserver(s) you have to make
sure that they do not 'try' to bind to the same
address/port, otherwise one service will fail ...
starting sshd on the host without speicifying an
address, or a 'protecting' chbind (as used in
vsysvwrapper), will result in a binding to
which means 'any available address' ...
naturally this conflicts with any sshd service
started within a vserver ...
> Otherwise I can't login on the daemons of the vserver.
> > this is the _only_ change which IMHO could affect
> > you, and it was a bugfix ... so I guess I have to
> > look into it a little more ...
> I don't get it what's going on here.
> Contact me in case you need a login on my testbox.
> It's located behind a firewall, but I can move it to
> a DMZ zone of our network.
I guess there is no need for that right now ...
> Thanks for your help,
> Bert.
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