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From: Sam Vilain (sam_at_vilain.net)
Date: Wed 08 Oct 2003 - 15:20:21 BST

On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 13:30, someone wrote;

> > I'm just curious; As I often see you referring to IRC instead of
> > an URL, does that mean the answer is not available elsewhere, or
> > that you just prefer the more direct way of explaining things?
> > It seems to me that IRC work well for discussions but quite
> > ineffective for answering questions that will be asked again and
> > again. By the way, is IRC transcripted and saved for later
> > referral?

How about this...

Due to the `integration centric' nature of vserver queries, issues
like this are probably more easily resolved if you join the IRC
channel at:

Server: irc.oftc.net Port: standard (6667) Channel: #vserver

One or two of the core team are usually hanging around in there. In return for this unprecedented level of `support' from an Open Source project, it would be very much appreciated if you summarise the discussion, and what the final solution to the problem was (even if there was no solution), as a reply to your original question to the vserver list. This makes the mail archives an invaluable tool for other vserver system integrators and managers.

If you are unfamiliar with irc, please see http://www.foad.com/ -- An IRC log is a good idea, but not very easily searchable. -- Sam Vilain, sam_at_vilain.net

Anything that can go wrong WILL go wrong EDSEL MURPHY

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Generated on Wed 08 Oct 2003 - 15:51:15 BST by hypermail 2.1.3