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From: Geoffrey D. Bennett (g_at_netcraft.com.au)
Date: Thu 31 Jul 2003 - 02:32:05 BST

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 06:14:44PM -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> I have a system I can't really take down - even by accident - with a root
> server based on Redhat Linux 7.3 and using 2.4.21ctx-17a and vservers-23.
> I'm getting ready to build a new vserver and would like to use RHL 8 or 9.
> I have confidence in using 8's CDs but some concerns about 9. One deals
> with the message posted earlier today(?) about newvserver going into an
> endless loop and the other is the kernel/compiler changes that are
> reported to make upgrading a pain if not impossible. (threading library
> issue?)
> So what are your thoughts on RHL 9 and RHL 9 in a vserver with a RHL 7.3
> root server?

I've got 7x RH7.3, 1x RH8.0, and 4x RH9 running on a RH7.3 base
without any issues. I don't use newvserver though.

Geoffrey D. Bennett, RHCE, RHCX               geoffrey_at_netcraft.com.au
Senior Systems Engineer           http://www.netcraft.com.au/geoffrey/
NetCraft Australia Pty Ltd           http://www.netcraft.com.au/linux/

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