From: Dariush Pietrzak (
Date: Thu 10 Jul 2003 - 09:32:15 BST
Is anyone preparing patches/patchsets against AC kernels?
i get conflicts in kernel/sched.c kernel/exit.c, and I think I won't be
able to correctly resolve those with my level of expertise.
I am trying to get those features into my kernels:
XFS + FreeSWAN + CIPE + Sensors ( + of course ctx17 ),
and it seems like i'm alone in this pursuit, because everyone and their
mother starts from including preemptive+low latency.(+o(1)).
-- Mayoi komuno wa Usuyami no sekai, Dariush Pietrzak Key fingerprint = 40D0 9FFB 9939 7320 8294 05E0 BCC7 02C4 75CC 50D9