From: Richard Wilford (
Date: Tue 08 Jul 2003 - 19:04:24 BST
Mr Richard Wilford
spain madrid
Tel:+34 660 523 591
Dear friend,
This letter may come as a surprise because we have not met.The decision to write you is out of a sincere desire to establish a business/mutual relationship with you.I got your contact through the international trade and commerce chamber (ITCC)in London.
My name is Mr.Richard Wilford,the son of John Wilford(the former secretary of state for finance 1995)Who was killed and mutilated by the military junta led by Major,Paul Koroma after over throwing the elected government of president Tijan Kabba.Though,I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and disturbances in sierra-leone but it has a consistent features in the CNN,BBC news bulletins.The pressure of war drove the rst of our family out of swierra-leone into exile in spain where we have been living under political asylum for 3 and haif years now.
Sadly,my mother died of heat problem 5 months ago and was buried in London.Priorto her death,she handed me over acertificate meantfor a secret deposit,which my father made in asecurity company in Europe(destination eill be disclosed later for security reason).The deposit which is worth 39,000.000(Thirty Nine Million US.Dollars)was money set apart for government propaganda against the rebel forces.He made the deposit in his name with the hope of converting it to his personal use at the end of the war but was killed as aresult of his opposition to the rebel forces when the conflict intensified.I have contacted the security company to confirm the depsit and establish own.
Due to the death of my mother and the continued hostility in Sierra-Leone,I have decided to solicit for the assistance of an honest and trustworthy person or company that willassist in investing the money.I cannot do it alone due to my present political status and total ignorance of the business world.You will be given a negotiable percentage of the money at the end of the transaction.
If you are honest,trustworthy and interested in the above proposal,contact me immediately though the numbers indicated above for more details.You must maintain absolute confidentaikity to ensuer success.Please,indicate your personal Tel./Fax nos.When replying.For security reason,youy can con tact me by the email adress indicated above.
Best Regards,
Mr Richard Wilford.