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From: ragnar_at_this.is
Date: Tue 10 Jun 2003 - 02:12:02 BST


> (if he switches from stable debian to testing debian,
> unifying could cause a lot of trouble)

No, that is what the "immutable bit" stuff is about.

> > 2) Flexibility
> >
> > Next group is running different hosts in different vservers. For the
> > easiness of moving hosts.
> > Means, if you have a too high load on a host, you can tar a couple
> > of vservers down, untar them
> > on a new host and you are running. Problem solved, no big problem.

This would also apply to the first "hosting" group.

What about the configurations?
My problem is that I make mistakes, lots of them, and spend
most of my time trying not to or fixing the ones I did make.
A tool that will change the configuration and perform the
copy, and restart would be cool.

Then again, one can mirror a server for backup
and have a script to
shutdown, re-sync, change config and restart
>From the FAQ:
rsync -e ssh -avHl /vservers/XX new-server:/vserver/XX

> > Unifying could be a space saver, but how expensive are harddisks ?

I think there was some other benefit regarding disk cache, libs or


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