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From: Martin List-Petersen (martin_at_list-petersen.dk)
Date: Tue 10 Jun 2003 - 00:20:28 BST

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 22:50, joel2002_at_gmx.ch wrote:
> > 2) Flexibility
> >
> > Next group is running different hosts in different vservers. For the
> > easiness of moving hosts.
> > Means, if you have a too high load on a host, you can tar a couple of
> > vservers down, untar them
> > on a new host and you are running. Problem solved, no big problem.
> >
> > Unifying could be a space saver, but how expensive are harddisks ?
> They're cheap. It's also a question of how small a distribution is.. a
> system
> that takes 200-300mb of disk-space is small and a 160gb Harddisk costs
> about 180$ here (Switzerland).

That's my point. It's not the interesting thing. It's more important to
limit each vserver to what you give your customer, than to unify the
packages, even though it's a neat feature.

> How many vservers are you running on what kind of machines? Anyone tried
> really high numbers of vservers yet (>100) on the same machine?

Not really. I've got a couple of them running full distributions. Though
limiting them on certain area's by giving access to a common
mysql-server instead of having mysql installed on each vserver.

Martin List-Petersen
martin at list-petersen dot dk

President Reagan has noted that there are too many economic pundits and
forecasters and has decided on an excess prophets tax.

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