From: Joel Vandal (
Date: Sat 13 Jul 2002 - 18:45:06 BST
> You have to do *some* work, time to write your own. :-) If you feel that
> the files you've created would be useful to somebody else, then you could
> submit them so that others don't have to suffer the same problems... :-)
Here is two (2) wrapper for Webmin and Exim.
Here a simple procedure using redhat ...
- Create a file (like the following) on /etc/init.d . (webmin =
/etc/init.d/v_webmin ...)
- chkconfig --del webmin (disable the webmin startup)
- chkconfig --level 345 v_webmin on
- service webmin stop
- service v_webmin start
# chkconfig: - 55 25
# description: Wrapper to start webmin bound to a single IP
if [ -f /etc/vservices/webmin.conf ] ; then
. /etc/vservices/webmin.conf
exec /usr/sbin/chbind --ip $IP /etc/init.d/webmin $*
# chkconfig: - 80 30
# description: Wrapper to start exim bound to a single IP
if [ -f /etc/vservices/exim.conf ] ; then
. /etc/vservices/exim.conf
exec /usr/sbin/chbind --ip $IP /etc/init.d/exim $*
-- Joel