From: John Lyons (
Date: Mon 01 Jul 2002 - 17:22:38 BST
If anyone has a similar problem to this, I've managed to fix it by running
the backup process via chbind.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Lyons []
> Sent: 30 June 2002 22:28
> To:
> Subject: [vserver] IP address binding
> I'm not sure if the problems I'm having are just normal
> redhat network setup
> problems or whether there is something vserver related that's
> causing the
> problems.
> I've configured a second network card on the host server so
> that I can run
> backups over a private IP address range network rather than
> via the public
> switches. I've got the same setup on host servers that don't
> run vserver and
> everything seems fine.
> Whatever IP address that I ping or connect to from the host
> server it always
> comes from the base IP for the host server as configured
> using eth0. ie if
> I ping or the 'pinging from' address is
> always the
> public IP address of the host server rather than being from
> and
> as it is on the other servers.
> When I connect to the private ip of the backup server it sees
> the connection
> as coming from a public IP rather than the private IP address
> of eth1 which
> is where the connection should be flowing over.
> Is this a side effect of the vserver and is there any way to stop it?
> (my bandwidth costs are taken from the public switches so I
> can't backup via
> that!)
> Regards
> John Lyons
> DomainCity
> ICQ 74187012