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From: Konstantin Starodubtsev (klists_at_rbcmail.ru)
Date: Thu 01 Nov 2001 - 15:54:49 GMT

> I will release a new version of vunify, this time written in C++. It does more
> checks. For example, it checks that the same package version is installed in
> both ref and vserver.
 Are you sure it is necessary to write it in low-level language? May be it is
better to write it in perl or python? I think vunify program will spent it's time
in system(or external program) calls mostly, so there is no serious reason to
use C++ unless a very good library for rpm manipulating is already written.
Also C++ can make porting vunify to other package sytems a bit harder. I'm using
Debian Linux, and porting current program for using dpkg took 10 minutes for me,
but I'm not sure that C++ version can be such easily ported or extended.


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